Palm trees and setting sun on an island


Now available on

Support us and our mission by downloading the album

I am happy to announce that “Soundtrack for Change” is now available on Bandcamp. Give Ben's site a visit here ( And while you are there, give Ben a “Follow” because more is about to come, especially cool merchandise. You can also follow directly via this link:

I appreciate your support and would love to see you again on Bandcamp. Cheers!

What's New?

Project: Change – My collaboration with Ben Hendricks Music

Published: 06 June to 16 June

Announcing a huge collaboration project with Ben Hendricks: After producing the Album „Soundtrack for Change“ the next big project is an interactive music event. We are currently working on the content for this amazing live experience. The idea is to combine our music with audio-visual content and interactive community experiences.

Ally Queen and Ben Hendricks
Ally Queen and Ben Hendricks

Album Release on 16-06-2023 – Save The Date!

Our Album „Soundtrack for change“ - a huge collaboration project with Ben Hendricks - will be released on June 16th, 2023! It is now in the finalizing phase. The album contains more than varied themes and original music - it carries lots of transformative energy for a positive change, since we both went through a massive transformation ourselves. We‘ve put all the love into these 16 titles to accompany you during these challenging times. It's worth listening to all the tracks and staying tuned to the end each time, because there's a lot to discover.